
Those who are really hungry and thirsty will seek Him and they will find Him. Those who will draw near to Him, He will draw near to them. Those who hear Him knocking at the door, will open the door and He will come in and dine with you. Come closer. His Sheep hear His voice. Come eat His Flesh and drink His blood. He is one Spirit with you. Let His Word become flesh in and through you, so that you may have life and live it abundantly through His Grace and Truth. He will clothe you with His righteousness.



Scribal Tribe

This group consist of several team leads. We meet every Saturdays, usually at 10am to learn about writing and publishing our books.  On several occasions we have several guest speakers who are either experts or are highly experience to teach us on a subject dealing with book publishing, editing, and writing.  This group will catalyze you and challenge you to write and finish your first book draft between 6 months to 9 months. We are not into writing fluff. We into writing the pure revelation we receive from the heavenlies and sharing it with the world.

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Prophetic Teams

This group is a team of people who love God and people and truly desire the gift of prophecy.  We meet every Friday night for “Prophetic Calesthenics” learning and excercises.  In this goup you will learn to hear the voice of the Lord for each other (specifically personal prophetic flow) in-order to comfort, edify, exhort for the benefit of the body.  We learn the basic, intermediate, and advanced prophetic service in a safe enviroment. New Enrolees will be required to deposit a one time tuition fee.  This course has a pre-requisite of taking “Prophetic Healing, Discernment, and  Deliverance” course prior to public teams ministry (link will be posted here).  

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The Women of Bible Series

This is group is lead by Elder Braxton, Michelle and her teams. This group is not limited to only women participants, but all who want to learn how to live a life of pure character, holiness, as the bride of Christ. We will research and revisit many out of 400 profiled women the bible teaches us. We will learn from Abi to Zipporah. This subscription will give you access to all the study materials and links to the recordings. For as low as $5 a month you will have access to this study. You are required to be part of the School of the Holy Spirit. Club which is a $25 base tuition prior to joining this series.

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The Book of Daniel

This group is currently being led by Jo Jolly. We are going through a revelatory journey in order to understand Daniel and how to walk in the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding (Revelation) as part of the Seven-Fold Spirit of the Lord. We will be diving deep through scriptures in order to escavate the keys in walking in this realm.

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The Book of Psalms

This is group is currently led by Carolyn Boler. In this group you will be immersed in learning the language of love through the art of worship. The book of Psalms has been authored by many authors to include King David. This is a weekly course.

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Singles, Married, Divorced, or Widowed

This group is currently led by Heidi Banks. This group you will continue on the journey of learning to be satisfied in your single life, but not being lonely. You will learn to prepare for marriage. Those who are married will continue to share their personal experiences and how to improve in their relationships with their spouses. This is an advanced relationship course where you will learn about forgiveness and love in-order to achieve blissful change. You will understand concepts about boundaries, individuation, singleness and wholeness, rejection, etc…

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Financial Responsibility

This group is currently led by Kim Angela Lee. In this group you will learn financial responsibilities; from getting rid of debt, to saving for your future or saving for emergency. You will learn the importance of budgeting. You will be equiped with ideas on how to make money via “side hustles” or even some residual income ideas. There are so many topics to cover in this group.

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Not Enrolled

Healing Warrior Teams

This group is a group where we will learn on how to heal the sick and move in the authority…

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This Group is a special place to give thanks and give back to those who partner with the School of the Holy Spirit.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Joshua William STUDENT
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I believe in lifelong learning and company is a great place to learn from experts. I’ve learned a lot fantastic and recommend it to all my friends.

Bryan Arnoldy STUDENT