School Of the Prophets (Course 1) January 2023–Class 1

This course will be an intensive course on which we will embark with the School of the Holy Spirit.  We will start the first phase of this live and interactive boot-camp the first 3 months. The first phase will then be archived until the following year. This bootcamp will not only cover the basic foundational principals of the prophets calling, training, and office, but advanced functions. We will have guest prophets who have been tested and established to help understand the voice of the Lord and the different many flows or styles in the prophetic, such as the Nabiy, Seer/Chozeh and Nataph etc... Our goal will be to move as a single unit in unison and harmony with Holy Spirit. We will cover both advanced and foundational topics.  It will be fast paced and challenging course.

ThierryNakoa · October 14, 2022

January 2023

x1 Manual will be provided at completion of the course. No manual will be provided unless completed.

x1 Course completion certificate will be provided upon successful completion of the course.

TBD several handouts will be provided.

TBD Many Opportunities to minister spiritual gifts or prophecy during live meetings.

Additional resources and recordings will be provided. 

Activations held at different times will be provided.

Deliverance Available to those who would like to receive (Deliverance sessions are by appointment only and in conjunction with the School of the Holy Spirit once a month schedule and not on the student time of choice).

More to be added.

About Instructor


14 Courses

+27 enrolled
Not Enrolled
Course ended

Course Includes

  • 46 Lessons
  • 2 Topics